
Wednesday, April 10, 2024

rest in peace Stu Greenfield (1938-2009) (former CVUSD superintendent)

He allegedly sent me the attached letter on 
February 22, 1996, for a notice of non-reelection
 (non-reemployment)  so that I could attend the session on February 28 1996. However, I never received this letter.  And therefore was unable to have my contentions heard  by the Governing Board of the CVUSD which possibly could have changed their minds. THey probably assumed my absence indicated apathy. 

THis is a copy of the letter the district claims to have sent me (which they provided later as I was contending the matter in a judicial setting).  I contend this was actually fabricated later to try to defend themselves in court; but they made a critical error in their fabrication: Notice the header date actually says "February 22, 1999 " . 

Later, Colleen Gaines became superintendent. Then Foch Pensis. Under Foch Pensis the district continued to decline drastically in test scores and faced trustee "takeover" by the state and/or sanctions. There were some good teachers at the high school and district, including myself,  but the administrators tended to be less so. Since this is an obituary, I will not say anything more negative.