
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Fwd: ,search:,british actor,bbc,jurassic park,brighton rock,great escape,bridge too far,gandhi ;*read more

8/24/14 RIP,RICHARD ATTENBOROUGH,90,search:,british actor,bbc,jurassic park,brighton rock,great escape,bridge too far,gandhi ;*read more at
"...The British actor and film director Richard
Attenborough died Sunday, his son told BBC News. He was 90. Lord Attenborough forged a lengthy acting career in
such films as Brighton Rock and The Great Escape . As a director, Attenborough was known for A Bridge Too Far and Gandhi, for which he won two Academy Awards...."
"For our struggle is not against flesh & blood , but against the rulers , against the authorities , against the powers of
this dark world & against the spiritual
forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12,posted by vk
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*Read the Bible Daily & Connect w/ Believers
*Pray 4Chapels in the Public Schools (p4cps)
*Stop Violence v Women! (svw)
--Say NO 2 ALL Abusive Relationships (snaarl)
*Be a Suicide Stopper! (bass)Give Hope!
*Fight4Kindness, (f4k)
--Commit Kindness Actions (CoKA)
*LoveOneAnother (aLOhA)
*Please Support Christian Missionaries!
*I baptize you in the name of the Father-Son-&-Holy Spirit ! (Re Matt 28:18-20) (I'veBeeNFiSHing)(1 Corinthians 12:13-14,27)
*Father-Son-&-Holy-Spirit,Thy Will be Done (FiSHeS,TWilaBD)