1/28/14 RIP,PETE SEEGER,94 (He was before my time,politically,but of course I'm familiar with his musical legacy,remember seeing along to some of these songs on the radio. I probably don't agree with some of his political positions,but I like the music. And I wonder what his religious or faith beliefs were...will have to google that sometime today)
search:,if I had a hammer,"Where Have All the Flowers Gone","Turn! Turn! Turn!," ;*read more at
"...Pete Seeger, who helped create the
modern American folk music movement
and co-wrote some of its most enduring
songs such as "If I Had a Hammer," died
on Monday at the age of 94....of natural
causes at New York-Presbyterian Hospital,...
Seeger also was known for his liberal
politics, working as an environmentalist,
protesting against wars from Vietnam to
Iraq and being sentenced to prison for
refusing to testify to Congress about his
time in the Communist Party.
He performed at a concert marking
Barack Obama's presidential inauguration
in January 2009...."
"To all who received Him, to those who believe in His name, He gave the
right to become children of God -- children born not of natural descent,
nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God."John 1:12-13,posted by vk *DefendRealMarriage("TraditionalMarriage")
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